The east boundary of The Land of Éllad is formed by The Dankrad Mountains. Dankrad resembles norvegian Jótunhaimen, but Dankrad is higher. And, first of all, much rougher. This is not only becouse of clima, but becouse of very high concentration of malicious supernatural beings which are missing in Jótunhaimen. There are only few pathes running through Dankrad. Ceredig the Seafarer says that nobody crossed The Dankrad Mountains neither on foot neither on the horseback of the flying horse. Actually, it is not true. There were three people who crossed Dankrad on the flying horse, all of them from the Aurixian tribe - famous hunter and fighter Yarik, vědma Arambegil and her later husband, warrior Njál. There are two possibilities where to cross Dankrad on foot. The nothern way, The Path, begins near to the castle Sergell by The Gate of The Path and goes around The Sanctuary of Wetemaa. Except The Guardians of The Path only three people crossed Dankrad by this way: Wanne, Ailred and Wanne´s best friend Karu, later the first Guardian of The Path. Much more people tried to cross Dankrad by southern way where they could use a help of mountain leaders. This is the way which are the mountain leaders, women from the small village Two Axes, allowed to see by lady Haduwig.
It was Sestronian tribe who lived at the foothills of The Dankrad Mountain. The house of Sutriwax never humbled them neither they aspired to do it becouse they were not very interested in such inhospitable region. But slowly Sestronian tribe started to consider to be a part of the kingdom of the house of Miltid (a branch of the house of Sutriwax) and the Miltids simply accepted it.